Two students play chess. One smiles toward the camera while the other laughs, holding a mug.

Three students smile at the camera. Two hold a mug of apple cider, and one is giving a thumbs-up.

A large group smiles at the camera beneath a purple banner that says Lutheran Campus Center.

Two students play chess. One smiles toward the camera while the other laughs, holding a mug.
Come on in! Relax. Drink coffee. Study. Meet friends.
Find how to get involved!
Join Us for Worship! Sundays @ 7 pm
Free homemade dinner @ 6pm- veg & gluten-free options!
during the WSU & SMU academic years.
All are welcome here at the LCC. {Full stop.}
If you're wondering exactly what that means...regardless of race, socioeconomic status, abilities, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity, hometown, major, or if you say "pop" or "soda"...
"There is no longer Jew nor Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28
We believe in the extraordinary love
and generosity of
Jesus Christ.
As the Lutheran Campus Center resides on the land of the Oceti Sakowin, we pause for a moment to acknowledge and honor the ancestral land of the Dakota Nations and the sacred land of all indigenous peoples at our worship services on Sunday evenings.
The LCC is also a Reconciling in Christ campus ministry. We celebrate and affirm our LGBTQIA+ community
and siblings.

What's Happening?
Sundays: Dinner & Worship
Dinner at 6:00pm (CT) -free, homemade.
We also have gluten-free & veg options
Worship at 7:00pm (CT)
on Sundays when Winona State University & Saint Mary's University is in session. We are meeting at the LCC, 451 Huff Street.
Tuesday Nights​
​Connect with us at Central Lutheran Church for our weekly gathering, featuring Independent Theo, Check-ins, and thought-provoking Book/Bible Studies. Enjoy light snacks and hot tea as we come together in fellowship and learning.​
6:00pm (CT) Meet at Central Lutheran Church, 259 W Wabasha St.
Wednesdays: The Feast
A free community meal served at Central Lutheran- right by WSU's campus
at 259 W Wabasha St. 4:45-6pm, weekly.
Wanna help serve? Join us at 4:30 at Central on November 6 to get the scoop!

Years of Ministry in Winona
(something like that!)
Cups of Coffee
Student leaders
Mark Boysen
Office Manager

Corrine Haulotte
Campus Pastor

Kelley Olson
Director of Philanthropy

Pippa Armstrong
Music Director

Alex Peachey
Office Assistant ​

Mallory Brown
Communications Assistant

Molly Miller
Student Minister

Board of Directors
Pr. Michael Short
Gayle Garrity
Vice President
Meal Coordinator
Larry Laber
Philanthropy Chair
Tisha Hooks
Congregational Visit Coordinator
Alex Peachey
Student Leader
Erin Boysen
Fred Fletcher
Ann Peterson
Scott Sorvaag
Susan Zeller
Back Row (L to R): Susan Zeller, Tisha Hooks, Ann Peterson, Gayle Garrity, Fred Fletcher
Front Row (L to R): Scott Sorvaag, Larry Laber, Corrine Haulotte (and Sadie Schaefer-Haulotte), Erin Boysen, Alex Peachey
Student Leaders
Alex Peachey
Mallory Brown
Dana Walker
Molly Miller
Hannah Beckman

"I've shared I want my nursing career to recognize the whole person. The LCC has been there to care for so many students, including me, seeing them mind, body, and soul. When newcomers read 'all are welcome', they'll soon realize the truth and love those words carry here."
"I've witnessed an endless stream of kindness, compassion, and grace coming from this place, and it really restores my belief that there is still good in this world."
"Thanks to the LCC, this is who I am today. My worth is defined by myself and God alone. And you taught me that God will never find me anything other than accepted, valuable, and loved."